Portillo's Rhyme Time Contest Winners - News - News | Portillo's

Portillo's Rhyme Time Contest Winners Blog Title

June 7, 2018

Last week was National Italian Beef Week and all of you were on a rhyming streak! Frankly, we were overwhelmed by the 3,000 rhyme entries our fans submitted, so we will be sharing more than the top three winners with you. Even if you didn’t win the contest, your rhyme may be featured on our social media channels and website, so stay tuned!


The Rhyme Time Contest Winners are...

First Place: #1, Here's love on a bun!

Rhyme by: Richard Chee

Second Place:

Hey big 'O' - foods ready to go!

#1 - You've got something good between a bun!

#2 - Time to chew!

#3 - Just graduated with a "Taste Degree"!

#4 - Consume this meal with the strength of Thor!

#5 - Food is here: Upfront and Live!

#6 - Were not playing tricks!

#7 - We won't keep you guessin'

#8 - Behold! Your delicious fate!

#9 - To err is human; your food: divine!

Rhyme by: James Reimann

Third Place: Order number 6, come take your Instagram pics!

Rhyme by: Brett McCraney

The first place winner receives a $700 gift card and the winning rhyme will be used by employees in all Portillo’s restaurants nationwide. The second and third place winners will receive a Portillo’s gift card and swag. Thank you to all of our fans for participating in our Rhyme Time Contest - your creativity and passion for Portillo’s truly cuts the mustard!


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