Meet David: Portillo's Team Member - News - News | Portillo's

Meet David: Portillo's Team Member Blog Title

What do you like doing in your free time?
I play a lot of tuba, I'm going to college for it. I pay for my tuba with this job. I love playing it so much, I'll be playing in college. I also hang out with friends and fence. I like to watch classic movies and best picture nominations. I'm generally a big nerd who likes manga, anime, and video games.


How long have you been with Portillo's and what made you come work for us?
I've been here since mid-March of last year. Portillo's was able to challenge me.


What do you love about Portillo's?
I love how fast paced it is. I get in and constantly work. My other jobs were retail jobs where I'm bunched-up and not doing anything. At Portillo's, there's always something to do, it feels nice not to stand around for 5 hours. It's also rewarding to see guests be satisfied, I like to see their smiles and laughter, which hasn't come from any other jobs before.


What do you love about your position?
Normally I'm at Front-Of-House expo. I love rhyming, seeing everyone satisfied with our service, and making small talk. I learn a lot of fun stuff and enjoy working with my team because I know I can depend on them and have fun. I enjoy how I'm challenged and feel rewarded for doing well.


What advice would you give to someone starting at Portillo's?
Honestly, just be kind and be open to learning stuff really fast and on the fly. Be kind and bond with people, that way they'll be more willing to help you out and show you how to do things better. You will feel like you're working with friends.


What's your hidden talent?
I am really, really good at card games. From Pokémon to Magic to Yugioh, I'm obsessed with them. I can pick up any game and be amazing at it in a matter of weeks.

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